Monday, August 27, 2012

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Mother VIII cultivation in the body, any element of fire in the world can not hurt me nothing to bad can get out of it! I took a deep breath, calm mood, said: Fata Na shook his head and said: directly appear in the Balrog the prison internal anger distinct channels should we use, in accordance with the flow of the volcanic eruption, I can only infer that Eliza has been awakened. Voice was off, I felt following the volcano began shaking slightly, as if with the people's pulse beat together, this is typical of volcanic tremor shortly volcanic tremor peaked at the same time, on the volcano from time to time issue dull sound, it is the sound of the gas blowout in the side walls of the nest Momo Basin, you can clearly see a big round hole with a diameter of two to three steps, the shape of the very rules,oakley sunglasses cheap, like a man-dug hole, which from time to time to escape the gas. addition to this big hole in the side wall throughout a variety of large and small fumaroles, sulfur quality strong smelling, yellowish sulfur fumaroles next to settle down. addition, are also located in the top of the hill a few large cracks and a width of eight inches to two feet, that underground magma upwelling, surface deformation caused by the. these phenomena in the volcanic activity at the moment is very strong.
Fata Na glanced always braved the smoke from the crater, and full of raging fire of volcanic pore indifferent composure Road: I reached out to pull, pull, then a closer Guanqiao, I saw her petite and delicate body as a meteor fall from the sky, upside down directed at the nest the Momo basin center weld pool.
Over the years, I have experienced numerous reign of terror and the edge of death, but alone this time, but people will never forget, because in the past I able to master at least somewhat future to, to bad also slightly Mianbaozhili the help of my brother's friend But overwhelmed despite Babel Toru can the ravages of nature can not be able to play anything, kind of weak feeling, so I feel dejected, disheartened, a time and apathy.
I do not know how long, or the eternal moment, I suddenly found that the volcanic ash began to overflow from the crater, followed,fake oakleys, with the popping sound of rumbling volcano turned into a huge artillery, muzzle sky with the high-altitude air current to clouds covering the whole volcano and nearby waters, they are shrouded in darkness, followed the endless rain of debris. volcano last erupted release of volcanic ash covering everything covered up sky, ocean, mountains and struggling in despair and misery I.
His grandmother's Bear, I can not be so Wowonangnang alleys world! Anger Balrog prison thing, even if it is the most high God back garden, I have to Huochu life another try! feel a relaxed, just deserting and discouraged disappeared without a trace, then a teleport flashed transparent bubbles expand supreme magic wing toward the crater dive.
Overwhelming lithic rain, never Xiezhi to hit the black

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